OK.... today I made something VERY simple and VERY Yummy. Since it was my first time making it, I did not take pictures nor was I planning on blogging about it.... but how could I keep this from you???? Last week I made a cheesecake and therefore I had some "leftover" graham crackers. These really were not "leftovers" as I make cheesecakes often and will probably need to buy another box in the near future. But, I looked at my "leftover" graham crackers and debated the things I could make with them. I wish I could tell you that I made this recipe up... but I would be lying. It is ok though... because I used the recipe and then for the topping I made a ganache mousse from Williams and Sonoma Baking Cookbook to spread over. And.... are you ready??? I topped the top with half of a sliced strawberry. It was much more presentable that way! The assembled and cut squares reminded me of tiramisu (the way it looked). The taste was... well yummy. Light and fluffy. The ganache mouse added that perfect chocolate hint....I know... you are thinking, "so... what was it that you made?"

You will need:
15 Graham Crackers, broken in half (30 squares), divided
1 pkg. (3.4 oz.) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
1-1/2 cups cold milk
1 tub (8 oz.) COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed
1.Arrange 10 graham squares, slightly overlapping, on bottom of 8-inch square pan; set aside.
2. Beat pudding mix and milk in large bowl with whisk 2 min. Let stand 5 min.
3. Stir in COOL WHIP.
4. Spread half the pudding mixture over graham squares in pan; top with layers of 10 of the remaining graham squares, remaining pudding mixture and remaining graham squares.
5.Refrigerate 3 hours.
Spread with ganache, chocolate frosting or ganache mousse just before serving.
If you would like to make the:
Ganache Mousse:
From Williams and Sonoma as seen on AZ Cookbook
(Thank you Farida for the picture)
You will need:
15 g semi-sweet or bitter-sweet chocolate
1/4 cup (2 fl oz / 60 ml) milk
1/4 cup (4 fl oz / 125 ml) heavy cream
1. Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl. In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, bring the milk just to a boil. Remove from the heat and immediately pour over the chocolate. Stir with a wire whisk until the chocolate melts and the mixture is smooth.
2. In a clean bowl, using a balloon whisk, whop the cream just until soft peaks form.
3. Gently fold the cream into the chocolate just until the two mixtures are incorporated. Do not overfold, or the filling will be gritty. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm and spreadable, about 1 hour, or for up to 3 days.

Please keep in mind these need to be refrigerated, as the frosting is mousse and can melt!